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1 My son, attend to my wisdom, [and] bow your ear to my understanding:
2 That you may maintain the intent of the heart, and [that] your lips may protect knowledge.
3 For the lips of a prostitute drip like a honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:
4 But the end result is bitter as gall, sharp as a two edged sword.
5 Her legs lead downwards to death; her steps hold onto hell.
6 Should you work out the road to life, her track fluctuates, so that you cannot fully grasp it.
7 Hear me now therefore, O you children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.
8 Remove your way far from her, and do not come near the door of her house:
9 Or you will give your honor to others, and your years to cruel people:
10 Strangers will enjoy your wealth; and your hard work will be in the home of a foreigner.
11 You will groan in the end, when your flesh and your body are destroyed,
12 And think to yourself, I sure hated discipline, and my heart scorned correction;
13 I have not obeyed the voice of my instructors, nor did I give an ear to those that taught me!
14 I was even worse amongst the whole public assembly.
15 Drink from the still waters of your own well, and from the running waters of your own spring.
16 Let your inner fountains overflow outwards, pouring rivers of water into the streets.
17 Let them be only your own, and not contaminated with those of a foreigner.
18 Let your fountain be blessed: and get excited about the wife of your youth.
19 Like a loving deer and a graceful roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; and be intoxicated always with her love.
20 And why do you want to get stirred up by a foreign woman, my son, and embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
21 For the ways of man are in front of the eyes of the LORD [Yahweh], and He examines his path.
22 His own iniquities will snare the wicked himself, and he will be bound by the cords of his sins.
23 He will die without discipline; and in the abundance of his foolishness he will go astray.